Book blogger Nicola at Short Book & Scribes has posted a review of C.R. Berry‘s time travel conspiracy thriller, Million Eyes, the first book in the Million Eyes trilogy, calling it “a mind-boggling tale combining fact and fiction”.
She says the concept “that tragic royal events weren’t actually meant to happen” but happened because of time travel “flummoxed” her but that she “absolutely love[s] this kind of story” where you have to “put pieces together to make a whole.” She calls Million Eyes “incredibly well-plotted” with enjoyable characterisations and says she is pleased to know that it’s the first in a trilogy.
As a royalist and someone who enjoys historical fiction, I found the idea absolutely fascinating that Princess Diana’s crash might have been orchestrated for some reason other than the many conspiracy theories we already know about
Short Book & Scribes have also published a free preview from Chapter 1 of the novel.
You can read the full review and extract here.