Born and raised in a steel-town in the Northeast of England, CM Angus now lives in Yorkshire with his better half, his children and an awesome dog.
Having struggled with English at school and having never written fiction before, he decided to become a writer while submerged in the bath one Saturday morning in 2014. Since then he has had stories published in a number of recent anthologies and manages a growing colony of notebooks.
With a background in e-Commerce and technology, he has previously written technical non-fiction & is interested in all things creative, technological & scientific. His work is inquisitive and blends a passion for story telling with a strong scientific grounding.
When not working or writing, he spends his time as a Reiki master, a meditation guide and multi-instrumentalist. With a PhD in esoteric hard sums and a strong interest in Martial Arts, CM Angus jokingly describes himself as a gentleman, a scholar and an acrobat who dreams of, one day, owning some woodland.
Overstrike, Volume I of the Fixpoint Trilogy, the debut novel by CM Angus, was published by Elsewhen Press on 14th February 2020.
- The future is uncertain, but now that the past can be altered even our present may not be guaranteed February 14, 2020
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CM Angus can be contacted via Elsewhen Press using c.m.angus (at)