David M. Allan

David got hooked on reading at a young age by borrowing to the max – 3 books, twice a week – from the public library. He was caught up and transported to fabulous other worlds by the likes of Wells, Verne and Burroughs (and later by Asimov, Bradbury, Clarke, Heinlein, Le Guin, Wyndham…). Alas, the journeys were temporary and he had to return to Earth.

His love affair with science fiction and fantasy had him thinking vaguely about writing but he didn’t follow through until after retirement and his relocation, with wife and cat, to a houseboat on the Thames. It was reading one book which he didn’t think was very good that led him to say “I could do better than that” and then setting out to prove it. David has since had a number of short stories published in online magazines, and his debut novel The Empty Throne published by Elsewhen Press. Quaestor was his second novel and Thiever is its sequel. They too have been published by Elsewhen Press.


Artwork: Tony Allcock

David’s enthralling fantasy novel, The Empty Throne, was published by Elsewhen Press on 3 August 2018.


Cover artwork: Alison Buck

David’s gripping fantasy novel, Quaestor, was published by Elsewhen Press on 30 August 2019.


Artwork: Alison Buck
Artwork: Alison Buck

Thiever, David’s sequel to Quaestor, was published by Elsewhen Press on 17 September 2021.


The Magic Is Always With Us by David M Allan; Cover artwork: Alison Buck
Cover artwork: Alison Buck

The Magic Is Always With Us, David’s adventure set in Tirog, the home of the Scottish Sidhe. It was published on 29th March 2024.




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    David can be contacted via Elsewhen Press using david.m.allan (at) elsewhen.co.uk