Edwin Hayward

ehavatarEdwin Hayward studied Computer Science at university. After graduating, he spent fifteen years enjoying the bright shiny future in Tokyo (with regular pilgrimages to Akihabara Electric City) before returning to the mundane day-to-day of the UK. He currently manages a number of websites, trades in domain names, reads avidly, writes when the muse cooperates, and exercises his geeky side at every opportunity. He lives with his wife in Cambridge, where he is awaiting the Singularity with a mixture of excitement and trepidation.

Existence is Elsewhen by John Gribbin et al; Artwork by Alison BuckEdwin’s story Ambrosia is included in the anthology Existence is Elsewhen which was published by Elsewhen Press on 18th March 2016.




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    Edwin can be contacted via Elsewhen Press using edwin.hayward (at) elsewhen.co.uk