A sharp dislike of anything to do with the outside has greatly complemented Jonathan Rivalland’s intense desire to write novels and stories. Having finished his first book he is eagerly moving forward on to the other dozen or so titles that all deserve their turn (ability to complete them all in a standard lifetime notwithstanding). After incidentally being from South Africa, graduating university with majors in History and Psychology, moving to South Korea to teach ESL (and staying for four years), he moved to the US, where he primarily spends his time either writing or thinking about writing.
Reimar Breaking is both the beginning of a series (The Iberan War) as well as the first of a variety of titles, set in the same universe (The Fourth World), concerning an array of characters, locations, and events. None of these have any reliable completion dates because the author is vigorously allergic to deadlines.
Jonathan’s debut novel, Reimar Breaking, the prelude to The Iberan War, was published by Elsewhen Press on 19th August 2016.
- OUT TODAY – Reimar Breaking by Jonathan Rivalland August 19, 2016
- FIRST LOOK: The cover of Reimar Breaking June 8, 2016
- Seattle author Jonathan Rivalland signs epic fantasy series to UK publisher April 29, 2016
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Jonathan can be contacted via Elsewhen Press using jonathan.rivalland (at) elsewhen.co.uk