Michael Kellichner

Michael Kellichner Michael Kellichner is a poet and writer who grew up in central Pennsylvania, but the call to see the world proved too much to stay put. Now, he’s settled in South Korea with his wife and daughter and spends his days teaching ESL to children and trying to find consistent time to write. He dabbles in poetry when not working on speculative fiction, and some has even made it out into the wild. Michael’s short stories can be found in various magazines, many for free online, such as Kaleidotrope, The Colored Lens, Marrow Magazine, and Toronto Journal, with more hopefully to come.


A Debt to the Dead, a thought-provoking fantasy, will be published by Elsewhen Press in 2025.




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        Michael Kellichner can be contacted via Elsewhen Press using Michael.Kellichner (at) elsewhen.co.uk