Rhys Hughes

Rhys HughesRhys Hughes was born in 1966 and began writing from an early age. His first short story was published in 1991 and his first book, the now legendary Worming the Harpy, followed four years later. Since then he has published more than thirty books, his work has been translated into ten languages and he is currently one of the most prolific and successful authors in Wales. Mostly known for absurdist works, his range in fact encompasses styles as diverse as gothic, experimental, science fiction, magic realism, fantasy and realism. His main ambition is to complete a grand sequence of exactly one thousand linked short stories, a project he has been working on for more than two decades. Each story is a standalone piece as well as a cog in the grand machine. He is more than three-quarters of the way through this opus.


“It’s a crime that Rhys Hughes is not as widely known as Italo Calvino and other writers of that stature. Brilliantly written and conceived, Hughes’ fiction has few parallels anywhere in the world. In some alternate universe with a better sense of justice, his work triumphantly parades across all bestseller lists. ”


Artwork: Alison BuckRhys’ collection of stories, Mirrors in the Deluge, was published by Elsewhen Press on 6th March 2015.


Existence is Elsewhen by John Gribbin et al; Artwork by Alison BuckRhys’ story Jekking the Oofers is included in the anthology Existence is Elsewhen which was published by Elsewhen Press on 18th March 2016.


Artwork: Alison BuckRhys’ story Students of Myself, about an unusual professor and how he is perceived by his students, was published by Elsewhen Press on 11th June 2021.




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    Rhys can be contacted via Elsewhen Press using rhys.hughes (at) elsewhen.co.uk