Steve Harrison

Steve HarrisonSteve Harrison was born in Yorkshire, England, grew up in Lancashire, migrated to New Zealand and eventually settled in Sydney, Australia, where he lives with his wife.

As he juggled careers in shipping, insurance, online gardening and the postal service, Steve wrote short stories, sports articles and a long running newspaper humour column called HARRISCOPE: a mix of ancient wisdom and modern nonsense.

His first novel TimeStorm, published by Elsewhen Press, was Highly Commended in the Fellowship of Australian Writers (FAW) National Literary Awards, Jim Hamilton Award in the fantasy/science fiction category, for an unpublished novel of sustained quality and distinction by an Australian author.

Artwork by Alison Buck, based on photograph by nodff/shutterstock.comTimeStorm, Steve’s first novel, is a thrilling time slip adventure that was published by Elsewhen Press on 22nd August 2014.


Existence is Elsewhen by John Gribbin et al; Artwork by Alison BuckSteve’s story Earthsale is included in the anthology Existence is Elsewhen which was published by Elsewhen Press on 18th March 2016.


Steve’s latest novel Blurred Vision is a young adult science fiction adventure involving first contact, but unlike any you’ve ever experienced before! It was published by Elsewhen Press on 16th August 2019.




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    Steve can be contacted via Elsewhen Press using steve.harrison (at)