Terry Jackman

Terry JackmanTerry Jackman is a mild-mannered married lady who lives in a quiet corner of the northwest of England, a little south of Manchester. Well, that’s one version.

The other one may be a surprise to those who only know the first. [She doesn’t necessarily tell everything.] Apart from once being the most qualified professional picture framer in the world, which accounted for over ten years of articles, guest appearances, seminars, study guides and exam papers both written and marked, she chaired a national committee for the Fine Art Trade Guild, and read ‘slush’ for the Albedo One SF magazine in Ireland. Currently she is the coordinator of all the British Science Fiction Association’s writers’ groups, called Orbits, and a freelance editor. [She’s also been living with cancer since 2011, and hasn’t always shared that titbit either].

She knows she wrote her first story in infant school, but only remembers because of the harrowing experience of having to read it out to the class. Maybe that’s why it took a considerable time and a lot of encouragement to get her to do anything like that again, not to mention choosing a nice, safe distance away in the USA, even if it did earn her five-star reviews. But now she’s finally ‘out’ in the UK.


Cover art courtesy of NASA and Space FabricatorHarpan’s Worlds: Worlds Apart, the first book in Terry’s science fiction Worlds Apart collective was published by Elsewhen Press on 21st October 2022.


Worlds Aligned: Worlds Apart 2 by Terry Jackman; Cover art courtesy of NASA and Space FabricatorWorlds Aligned: Worlds Apart 2, the sequel to Harpan’s Worlds and the second book in the Worlds Apart collective, was published by Elsewhen Press on 24th May 2024.


Note: Harpan’s Worlds and Worlds Aligned form a duology, and can be read as two standalones; but together they connect some of the puzzle-pieces of a fractured humanity. And its evolution.



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      Terry Jackman can be contacted via Elsewhen Press using terry.jackman (at) elsewhen.co.uk