Random Dingoes

by Ira Nayman

Being the third novel to attempt to document the trials and tribulations of the
Transdimensional Authority

Think back to a time in your life that you made a decision that you now regret. Oh, don’t be so coy – everybody has one. Okay, maybe not Mother Teresa. Or, Bruce Springsteen. But, unless you’re Mother Teresa or Bruce Springsteen – and we’re pretty sure you’re not – you have been in that position. What if you could go back in time and change that decision? What if you could make the other choice? Or, even better, choose a third option that you didn’t even see at the time? Wouldn’t you like to know how things would have turned out if only you had done something different at that critical juncture in your life?


Have you never read any science fiction time travel stories? Don’t you know that they always end with either dinosaurs becoming the dominant species on the planet or your grandfather killing Hitler, causing you to be born with a speech impediment and an irrational fear of listening to Born in the USA? Time branches are not something you can borrow books from – they are paths to realities that you couldn’t anticipate and don’t want to live in, and just try to get a decent corned beef on rye in any of them!

Artwork: Hannah B. Farrell Montreal Background image: Gisela McKay
Artwork: Hannah B. Farrell
Montreal Background image: Gisela McKay

In Random Dingoes, the third Transdimensional Authority novel by Ira Nayman, investigators Noomi Rapier and Crash Chumley – who we first met in Welcome to the Multiverse (Sorry for the Inconvenience) and again in You Can’t Kill the Multiverse (But You Can Mess With its Head) – look into reports of a drug that allows people to travel between universes without technological assistance. They methodically work their way up the drug ring’s chain of command and are just about to arrest its leader when – time travel happens. With the assistance of Time Agency agent Radames Trafshanian, Noomi and Crash must navigate realities they hadn’t anticipated and which they wouldn’t want to live in. But, can they find a decent corned beef on rye? You’ll have to read Random Dingoes to find out!

Random Dingoes, was published in a digital edition on 3rd April 2015 and in paperback on 6th July 2015.

ISBN: 978-1-908168-79-5 eBook Typical price £2.99 / €3.49 / US$3.99
ISBN: 978-1-908168-69-6 paperback 288pp List price £9.99 / €11.99 / US$17.99
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