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A Gnome’s Odyssey a Sacred Land Story A Truth Beyond Full A Voice in the Darkness Ad Astra Ahh Geek Out! Alex Burcher Alex Storer Alison Buck Alison Buck (Artist) American Library Association An Android Awakes An Extraordinary Tale an Heredyssey Anders Reemark Andy McKell anthology Artists First radio As Ants to the Gods AuthorCon UK AutismCon Bad Actors Balmain Beat Bedford Belfast Ben Gribbin Birds of Paradise Bishop’s Stortford Blood Legacy Blood War Bloodsworn Blueprint trilogy Bluestockings Blurred Vision Bookworm III Bookworm IV Bookworm series Bradford Brooklyn C.R. Berry Caspian Castle Bookshop CCA Glasgow Chaos City Comics Chester Chimera series Chloe Skye Christopher G. Nuttall Christopher Nuttall CM Angus Convergence Conway Hall Cornucopia Logs Craig Meighan Curlew Chronicles Dandelion Trilogy Dave Weaver David A Hardy David Craig David M Allan David Shannon Douglas Thompson Dr Miriam Seacastle Dylife Dysprosium Eastercon eBook Edwin Hayward Erin Hosfield Evil Above the Stars ExCel Existence is Elsewhen Expo FantasyCon FantasyCon by the Sea Far Far Beyond Berlin Fictional Alignment Film & Comic Con Brighton Fixpoint Trilogy Forbidden Alliance Franchise free Freedom’s Prisoners Future Perfect Galata Galaxies and Fantasies Gardens of Earth Geekfest Genesis Geoffrey Carr Ghosts on the Prairies Gingerlily Glasgow GLASS SHORE Good Intentions Good Press Gordon Miller Great Oak Bookshop Habits Gastropub Restaurant Harpan’s Worlds Head Full of Dark Heathrow Hemel Hempstead Her Gilded Voice Hilton Brighton Metropole Hilton Manchester Deansgate HM Office of the Witchfinder General HOWUL Hugh Duncan Ian Stewart Instrument of Chaos Instrument of War Intelligent Penguin Interference interview Inverness Inverness Book Festival Ira Nayman J A Mortimore J.A. Christy James Starling John Gribbin JOYRadio Juliet Kemp K.C. Aegis Karl Brown Katrina Mountfort King Street Run Lacuna Leeds Leominster Leominster Library Life on Mars LiGa™ Llanidloes Llanidloes Library Loncon London London Docklands London Film & Comic Con Loophole Lord of the Hunt Lucifer & Son Ludlow Luton MadLab Magic Fix series Malvern Manchester Mancunicon Mandigo and the Hellhounds Manor Manor Library Marek series Mark Iles Mark Montanaro Masterclass Max Taquet (Artist) Mid-Wales Mike French Miles Nelson Million Eyes Million Eyes II Million Eyes III Million Eyes Over Time Million Eyes trilogy Million Eyes: Extra Time Milton Keynes Morgan's Atelier Multiverse NASA Natascha Booth Artist Necropolis New Orleans New York Nina Sokol Nine Worlds Nottingam Nottingham Novacon Novotel London West Old Hairdressers Olympia Ouroboros Overstrike P. R. Ellis paperback Parables Paramita Bhattacharjee Park Inn Hotel Penelope Hill Peter Glassborow Peter R. Ellis Peter Wolfe Peterborough Pirate's Alley Programmed to Breathe Quaestor Random Dingoes Ravencon Readathon Rebecca Hall Red Dragon Redvers Redvers Public Library Renegade Resorts World Casino NY Resurrection Men Rhys Hughes Richmond Riftmaster Riftmaster series Robin Moran Rosie Oliver Royal Sorceress series Rudolf Kremers Saffron Walden Sailor to a Siren Sanem Ozdural Sapphira Olson Saskatchewan Scarborough Sci-Fi Weekender Scottish Writers’ Centre Seventh Child SFW9 Shadow and Storm Simon Kearns Simon Kewin Simon Lowe Singularity & Co Siobhan McVeigh SmartYellow™ Sooty Feathers Space Fabricator St Albans Stefan Jackson Steve Harrison Stray Pilot Susan Oke Sydney Tales From The Rift Tanya Reimer Tej Turner Terry Grimwood Terry Jackman The Ancient Lie The Avatars of Ruin The Bull Hotel The City Revealed the Dark shall do what Light cannot The Deep and Shining Dark The Edge Nightclub The Empty Throne The Enchanting Tricks The Eye Collectors The Faulkner Society The Forge & The Flood The Ghost in You The Grand Hotel Scarborough The Harlequin: The Draper’s Reel The Hat Factory The Janus Cycle The Kitchen Cafe The Last Star The Magic Fix The Magic Is Always With Us The Magician in the Attic The Night Has Seen Your Mind The Park Inn The Power of Seven The Promised Lie The Revolutionary War The Rhymer The Rising Flood The Royal Hotel Scarborough The Seven Succubi The Speculative Bookshop The Star The Truthful Lie The Ugly Truth The Unraveller The Vanished Mage The Vikings Are Coming The World is at War again Thiever Thorns of a Black Rose Thought Bubble Timekeepers TimeStorm TitanCon Tony Allcock Toronto Transdimensional Authority Troy Edward Nikolic Unity of Seven USA V.R. Ling VA Waterstones Wetherspoons William Wallace Hotel Wintercon Wishing Shelf Independent Book Awards Witchfinder series Word on the Street Words and Music Working Weekend World Science Fiction Convention Worlds Aligned Worlds Apart Worlds Apart 2 Writers’ Workshop Ytterbium Zoë Sumra
We are excited to announce that we will be at this year’s Eastercon – Dysprosium 2015 at the Park Inn in Heathrow. Instead of one large Dealers’ Room, there will be a number of smaller rooms and we have secured a whole room to ourselves 😉
It’s syndicate room 13, but we’re not at all superstitious, so we’re sure it will be okay (touch wood).
That means we will be able to offer our own programme events. We will be announcing more details soon, but for starters we will be launching the following books in paperback during Dysprosium:
As well as our book launches, we’re running a workshop for aspiring writers (Editing your Masterpiece), we’ve got a Live Art Demo from Karl Brown the artist who is co-authoring An Android Awakes, we’ve got readings (including one from Ira Nayman who will be doing it from Toronto – I hope he shouts!), we’ve got Meet the authors sessions where you can come and chat to our authors, have a drink or even challenge them to a game.
Oh yes… we’ll be selling our books too. And some of the cover art in limited edition prints. There’ll be flying saucers to eat (of course) and some other fun things to do (but we won’t spoil the surprise just yet!).
We will be at this year’s Eastercon – Dysprosium 2015 at the Park Inn in Heathrow.
We have a whole room to ourselves, syndicate room 13 (luckily we’re not superstitious).
On Saturday 4th from 11:15 to 12:15 we’ll be running a Writers’ Workshop in the Armstrong room. If you’re coming to Dysprosium and are interested in reserving a place, let us know ASAP as space is limited. Details below:
Writers’ Workshop – Editing your masterpiece
Saturday 4th April 11:15-12:15
Elsewhen Press (Armstrong room)
This is a one-hour workshop intended for new unpublished writers. You’ve written your masterpiece, but no-one seems to be interested in reading it, let alone publishing it. Many submitted manuscripts are rejected out of hand because the author has clearly not performed even basic editing, proofreading or sanity-checking of their text. This workshop will identify the pitfalls of typical tools as well as common mistakes, and suggest helpful techniques to overcome them.
Mike French, founding editor of The View from Here literary magazine and author of the Dandelion Trilogy, also runs workshops for aspiring writers. As one of the authors published by Elsewhen Press, he has agreed to lead this workshop to help you to make sure that your work is ready for submitting to an agent or publisher. Elsewhen Press authors Christopher Nuttall (Bookworm series, Royal Sorceress series, Inverse Shadows series…), Peter R. Ellis (Seventh Child, The Power of Seven) and Dave Weaver (Jacey’s Kingdom, Japanese Daisy Chain, The Black Hole Bar) will also be on hand to offer advice and help, and an Elsewhen Press editor will also offer an insight into the publisher’s perspective. The workshop will be limited to twelve (12) attendees, pre-booking is essential and places will be allocated on a first-come first-served basis.
Attendees should bring with them a Speculative Fiction short story they have already completed or one that is close to completion, of between 2000 and 5000 words. During the workshop there will be the opportunity to edit your story with help and advice from Mike, Chris, Peter or Dave. You can either edit your piece in the workshop on your own laptop, or bring a printed copy and scribble on that! All attendees will be given the opportunity to subsequently submit a short story (by the end of May 2015) for critique and consideration for possible inclusion in a future anthology from Elsewhen Press.
If you wish to attend, please email pete@elsewhen.co.uk with your name (and badge name if that is different) before Tuesday 31st March.
We will be at this year’s Eastercon – Dysprosium 2015 at the Park Inn in Heathrow.
We have a whole room to ourselves, syndicate room 13 – luckily we’re not superstitious 😉
On Saturday 4th from 14:00 to 15:00 we’ll be launching the paperback edition of Christopher Nuttall’s Bookworm III in our room. There’ll be refreshments too!
Launch: Bookworm III – The Best Laid Plans
Saturday 4th April 14:00-15:00
Elsewhen Press (Syndicate room 13)
The third instalment in the bestselling Bookworm series, The Best Laid Plans follows on immediately from the events in The Very Ugly Duckling, with Elaine and Johan joined by other favourite characters as they try to track down the Witch-King.
Elaine and Johan are preparing to leave Golden City, with Daria and the travellers, in order to search for the Witch-King. The Grand Sorceress instructs Inquisitor Cass to help them. But before Elaine can leave she is arrested by two Inquisitors on the orders of the Emperor. When she resists she is hit with a powerful spell that forces her to concentrate all her efforts on protecting her mind from its intrusion. Taken to the palace she finds that the Grand Sorceress has been removed and the Throne has accepted an heir to the Empire. Realising this has to be the work of the Witch-King, Elaine must defeat the spell that is eating away at her defences if she is to escape and destroy him. Meanwhile, Johan, Daria and Cass are trying to find a way to get to Elaine and break her out of the cell in which she is being held.
The Golden City is still widely devastated from the disastrous battle for power that followed the death of the previous Grand Sorcerer. The recent escalating breakdown of social order can only be made worse by the return of an Emperor and the imposition of martial law. The Privy Councillors and Heads of the Great Houses succumb to the power of the new Emperor, as he amasses a huge army. It is up to Elaine and her friends, with some unexpected help, to prevent an all-out war.
Bookworm III: The Best Laid Plans was published in a digital edition on 13th February 2015 and will be launched in paperback at Dysprosium.
We will be at this year’s Eastercon – Dysprosium 2015 at the Park Inn in Heathrow.
We have a whole room to ourselves, syndicate room 13 – luckily we’re not superstitious 😉
On Sunday 5th from 11:00 to 12:00 we’ll be launching the paperback edition of Volumes 1 and 2 of Peter R. Ellis’s Evil Above the Stars series in our room. There’ll be refreshments too!
Launch: Evil Above the Stars – Vol 1 Seventh Child, Vol 2 The Power of Seven
Sunday 5th April 11:00-12:00
Elsewhen Press (Syndicate room 13)
A mystical land where the planets really do revolve around the Earth, the power of the four elements is tangible, and good must fight to prevent the spread of evil. This is the world of Gwlad, the Land.
Volume 1: Seventh Child
September Weekes discovers a stone that takes her to Gwlad, where she is hailed as the one with the power to defend them against the evil known as the Malevolence. September meets the people’s leader, the Mordeyrn Aurddolen, and the bearers of the seven metals linked to the seven ‘planets’ that give them special powers to resist the elemental manifestations of the Malevolence. She returns home, but a fortnight later, is drawn back to find that two years have passed and there have been more attacks. She must help defend Gwlad against the Malevolence.
Volume 2: The Power of Seven
Having reached Arsyllfa, September is re-united with the Mordeyrn Aurddolen with whom, together with the other senior metal bearers that make up the Council of Gwlad, she must plan the defence of the Land.
The time of the next Conjunction will soon be at hand. The planets, the Sun and the Moon will all be together in the sky. At that point the protection of the heavenly bodies will be at its weakest and Gwlad will be more dependent than ever on September. But now it seems that she must defeat Malice, the guiding force behind the Malevolence, if she is to save the Land and all its people. Will she be strong enough; and, if not, to whom can she turn for help?
Seventh Child was published in a digital edition on 2nd January 2015 and The Power of Seven on 30th January 2015 – they will be launched in paperback together at Dysprosium.
We will be at this year’s Eastercon – Dysprosium 2015 at the Park Inn in Heathrow.
We have a whole room to ourselves, syndicate room 13 – luckily we’re not superstitious 😉
On Sunday 5th from 14:00 to 15:00 we’ll be launching the paperback edition of Tej Turner’s The Janus Cycle in our room. There’ll be refreshments too!
Launch: The Janus Cycle
Sunday 5th April 14:00-15:00
Elsewhen Press (Syndicate room 13)
The Janus Cycle can best be described as gritty, sexy, surreal, urban fantasy.
Janus is a nightclub. But it’s not merely a location, it’s virtually a character in its own right. On the surface it appears to be a subcultural hub where the strange and disillusioned, who feel alienated and oppressed by society, can escape to be free from convention. Underneath that façade is a surreal space in time where the very foundations of reality can be twisted and distorted. But the special, unique, vibe of Janus is hijacked by a bandwagon of people who choose to conform to alternative lifestyles simply because it has become fashionable to be ‘different’ and this causes many of its original occupants to feel lost and disenchanted.
The story unfolds through the eyes of eight narrators, each with their own perspective and their own personal journey. A story in which the nightclub itself goes on a journey. But throughout, one strange girl briefly appears and reappears, warning the narrators that their individual journeys are going to collide in a cataclysmic event. Is she just another one of the nightclub’s denizens, a cynical mischief-maker out to create havoc or a time-traveller trying to prevent an impending disaster?
The Janus Cycle was published in a digital edition on 2nd January 2015 and will be launched in paperback at Dysprosium.
If you’re going to be at Novacon 45 in Nottingham over the weekend of the 14/15th November, come and join us for our party on Saturday evening and also for our three book launches over the weekend.
On Saturday morning from 11-12 in the Downstairs Bar we’ll be launching Sailor to a Siren by Zoë Sumra. This is a space opera novel with significant nods to the gangland thriller genre. It’s a great debut from Zoë and establishes her as a name to watch in epic space opera. The depth of her characters, the breadth of her world-building, the ambition and longevity of her story-arcs spanning multiple generations of families, all make this a first step in what is likely to be a fascinating and enthralling universe. As Jaine Fenn said “If you like your space opera fast and violent, this book is for you”.
There will be drinks, books and Zoë (obviously – although as she’s very pregnant at the moment I suppose there’s a chance she might go into labour early and have to give it a miss).
If you’re going to be at Novacon 45 in Nottingham over the weekend of the 14/15th November, come and join us for our party on Saturday evening and also for our three book launches over the weekend.
On Saturday afternoon from 2-3 in the Downstairs Bar we’ll be launching SmartYellow™ by J A Christy. This offers a worryingly plausible and chilling glimpse into an alternate Britain. For the sake of order and for the benefit of more fortunate members of society, those seen as socially undesirable are marked with SmartYellow™, making it easier for them to be controlled and maintained in a state of fruitless inactivity. Writer, J A Christy, turns an understanding and honest eye not only onto the weak, who have failed to cope with life, but also onto those who ruthlessly exploit them for their own ends. At times tense and threatening, at times tender and insightful, SmartYellow™ is a rewarding and thought-provoking read.
As well as drinks and books, J A Christy will be there to read from and sign copies of her book.